Over the past several years, BSI has specialized in providing our customers our expertise in the area of nuclear facility decom-missioning, particularly with the implementation of Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) protocols. To date, BSI has developed and implemented radio-logical Characterization Survey Plans, Final Status Survey Plans and License Termination Plans at multiple facilities and our personnel have participated in nearly every major large commercial decommissioning project within the US. BSI’s principle members have played instrumental in the development and implementation of the current interagency guidance governing decommissioning and Final Status Survey (MARSSIM). As a company, we have gained considerable knowledge and insights in decommissioning planning and decision-making through our participation in these projects.
BSI has successfully implemented remediation and site closure activities at most of the NRC-regulated commercial power reactor decommissionings to date, including successfully achieving license termination at Shoreham, Fort St Vrain, Maine Yankee and Connecticut Yankee.
BSI has also supported the decommissioning projects at Yankee Rowe, the Brookhaven Graphite Research Reactor (BGRR), the Berkeley Magnox reactors and the Chapel Cross Magnox reactors in the United Kingdom. In addition, BSI successfully terminated the NRC license on behalf of the DOW Chemical Company for their TDCC Bay City Michigan storage facility, which involved the remediation and survey of 32 acres of radiologically contaminated soils.
BSI personnel have played a key role in the termination of the radioactive materials license for the Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research and participated in the characterization and remediation of the Stoneybrook Former Weapons Area in Ludlow, MA. and the Molycorp facilities located in Washington and York, Pennsylvania.
Our personnel are experienced in working closely with federal, state, and local regulatory agencies including the USNRC, the US Department of Energy, the US Environmental Protection Agency and state Environmental Protection organizations on the behalf of our customers.
As a result of this experience, our Radiological Engineering staff is recognized as a leader in the development and implementation of characterization programs, Final Status Survey programs and License Termination Plan development. This experience is among our most valuable assets. We provide this corporate expertise to our clients to supplement the on-site project staff that we offer – This provides our customers definable “value-added” advantages in these critical areas.