BSI entered the spent fuel pool service business in 2009 to help generators determine a disposition path for activated hardware and improve the overall performance of fuel pool cleanout projects.
Program goals address improved in pool storage plans, cost effective interim and long term waste disposition, improved equipment designs and processing techniques, reduced project durations and risk. To date, BSI has fabricated all new ALARA and FME specific process equipment and successfully completed more than a dozen fuel pool cleanout projects including more than 300 CRB’s and 600 fuel channels processed. Projects were completed in half the time with dose savings of nearly 4:1 over previous projects of similar waste inventory.
The BSI Advantage:
- We minimize storage or disposal costs by maximizing waste volumes in largest containers.
- We minimize plant support costs by significantly improved process and packaging method and project schedule.
- We maximize ALARA and FME control through specific process equipment design improvements.
- We significantly reduce risks by eliminating CRB cutting and utilizing proven plant storage systems.
- We reduce health and compliance risks by reduced schedule through streamlined process.
- Eliminate significant capital investment.